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Do Your Own Mortgage.com - Lazarus Advertising & Design

Do Your Own Mortgage.com


Do Your Own Mortgage.com

Do your Own Mortgage.com | doyourownmortgage.com
In the highly competitive mortgage industry, Do Your Own Mortgage (DYOM) has manged to stand out by offering a cash rebate after you do your own mortgage. Lazarus was brought on board to help increase online + offline exposure. Through investing in socail media and participating in trade shows, DYOM is well on its way to becoming one of Canada’s top mortgage companies. Activities Included: Social Media, Web Management, Trade Show Banners and Online Ad Campaigns.

Lazarus has helped DYOM gain National recognition through a robust social media campaign and celebrity marketing.  Focusing on our target market has help us leverage our limited marketing dollars and make a significant impact to our bottom line. I would absolutely recommend Phil and his team.

– Lisa Gray


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